Here’s a great new resource that we’d like to highlight to you all. 

EXPERIENCE is a €23.3 million project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (€16 million) through the Interreg France (Channel) England Programme. The project supports tourism organisations and individuals in France and the UK to develop off-season (October-March) visitor experiences in order to extend the tourist season and generate year-round income. 

The resources they are sharing via their site are free to use and of real value to those creating or commissioning museum theatre and live interpretation. 

Why? Because making the financial case for investment in person-led and performance/theatre-based experiences is something we all need to think about, regardless of whether we are managing or delivering the programme / ‘offer’. 

The WHY of museum theatre and live interpretation is really important?
Why theatre? Why now? For whom?

Our work should always be research-based and audience-centred, but moreover, when we think about it within the context of ‘the experience economy’ and experiential tourism we can make the strategic case for investment and, hopefully, ensure its sustainability. 

The EXPERIENCE project resources and case studies have a destination management and rural outdoors focus, but there’s lots here that is relevant to indoor and urban spaces too, as well as museums, galleries, historic houses, etc.

Think about how your museum theatre or live interpretation offer might:

  • Help to create themed, memorable (and affordable) days out for local audiences.
  • Encourage repeat visits by providing a reason to come back for more.
  • Highlight local and seasonal specialities and traditions together with local partners.
  • Support a membership or loyalty programme by offering special activities.
  • Encourage people to get out and visit a place during cold or bad weather.
  • Emphasise the unique or hidden aspects of a place ‘after hours’ and ‘off-peak’.
  • Provide slower-paced and more accessible experiences for audiences who are unable to visit when the venue/site is busy. 

 Do take a look!