A long journey through time and space, to the 1950s and to remote schools all over Greece, has come to an end!

Our live, remote learning programme ‘I Am Pilar’ has enabled 500 students to get to know the celebrated Greek actress Katina Paxinou, her Oscar-winning film role and her activism during the Second World War, through a theatrical encounter with the Paxinou-Minotis archive and museum in Athens.

We thank the teachers and students who traveled with us, as well as our fantastic project partners: Museotek and the Cultural Foundation of the National Bank of Greece (MIET).

Special thanks to our excellent performer-facilitators Katerina Holi and Nikoletta Dimopoulou.
This project was made possible thanks to generous funding from the Greek Ministry of Culture.

Want to know more about Katina Paxinou? Listen here as Sofia Antoniou – our journalist character, who is preparing to interview the famous actress -gives a fast-paced introduction to her life and work: