This year has been a big year for us here at Heterotopia. We took the decision to cease operating as a social cooperative enterprise (ΚΟΙΝΣΕΠ) in favour of becoming a non-profit organisation (ΑΜΚΕ). A small change, you might think, but it reflects a pretty big shift in our thinking.
It is, essentially, a shift away from primarily focusing on our own company and our own work, towards a greater focus on sector advocacy, research, and partnerships.
Our core interest is still theatre, performance and hybrid creative arts practice and how they function as research, interpretation, and engagement tools for museums (see ICOM definition), heritage attractions, ‘sites of memory’, etc.
But, you can now expect to see us doing more in support of the community as a whole:
Shouting about the important stuff that is taking place here in Greece (new projects, events, publications, etc.)
Highlighting European and International best practice, contacts and opportunities in the fields of museum theatre and live interpretation.
Undertaking new research and sharing our findings, as well as helping other researchers to find their way in this area of theory and practice.
Channeling all of our networking, grant-writing, project management, and evaluation expertise into the task of creating opportunities and making exciting cross-sector partnerships happen!
A huge THANK YOU to all those who have been part of Heterotopia’s journey so far – please stay in touch! … and to those we haven’t met yet – drop us a line!
Rebecca and Foteini – co-founders, co-chairs