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I Am Pilar!

2023-2024: I Am Pilar!

Katina Paxinou, the Oscar and the Greek War Relief effort
In the Footsteps of Vangelis Soukas

2023-2024: In the Footsteps of Vangelis Soukas

Uncovering Roma influences in Greek folk music
RevAthens 1821

2019-2022: RevAthens 1821

Μuseum theatre, gamification and digital narration.
InternalMail 1

2021: Internal Mail

Physically distanced art gallery engagement.

2019-2020: Meet Ktisivios

Technology and everyday life in 3rd century BC Alexandria, Egypt.
416 π.Χ. BCE

2018-2019: 416 π.Χ./BCE

Citizenship, migration and the Peloponnesian Wars.
Interactive Documentary

2018-2019: Interactive Documentary

Music and everyday life in 1960s Thrace.
A Day in Piraeus with Xanthippe in 391 BCE

2017: A Day in Piraeus with Xanthippe in 391 BCE

Water, religion, citizenship and domestic life in ancient Greece.
Castle Stories

2016 & 2017: Castle Stories

Everyday life in early 20th century in Kimolos from the medieval castle of Kimolos.
1884 Revolution Revisited

2016-2017: 1884 Revolution Revisited

Τhe exhibition of the ‘Monuments of the Holy Struggle’.
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