This project used key archaeological findings relating to the water system of ancient Piraeus, as the basis for exploring aspects of social history, women’s history, and the various uses of water during the classical period of the ancient port.

The research resulted in a piece of 1st person, costumed, historical interpretation, combined with an introductory talk and interview seminar which were presented, in-situ at the site, within the context of the museum’s public engagement programme.

Funders / Partners: The Ephorate of Antiquities of West Attica, Piraeus and Islands, and the Museum of the Archaeological Site of Astikes Pyles. Production Team: Foteini Venieri, Panagiota Kotsira (Xanthippe), Paris Tsekouras, Nikoletta Dimopoulou, Giorgos Peppas, and Dora Evangelou.